Ex-Goldman Sachs co-workers raise $1,4mln to help you sell better


Alysio offer a software program that helps sales people improve their selling. It does this by looking at all the data about how sales people are doing, and then it tells them what they need to do to be better.


Alysio was founded in October, 2022 by ex-Goldman Sachs co-workers Aaron McReynolds and Ryan Harris. They went on to have successful sales careers at Qualtrics, Okta and Lacework.


Founders with tech sales experience. They have funding from 7 investors spread over US. This can help with introductions and networking when doing B2B sales.


The person looking after a big team of sales people will want to understand what’s going on, who is performing who isn’t what can be done to improve sales process. You need a warm lead at a medium sized wel known tech company who is willing to implement the software. Put all focus on implementation, product development, customer care. And create a marketing campaign around this case. Companies will be more open to clone competition than risking a new product influencing tier most important part of their business with a new found startup. Go big first. Use venture capital partner for network.


The person looking after a big team of sales people will want to understand what’s going on, who is performing who isn’t what can be done to improve sales process. You need a warm lead at a medium sized wel known tech company who is willing to implement the software. Put all focus on implementation, product development, customer care. And create a marketing campaign around this case. Companies will be more open to clone competition than risking a new product influencing tier most important part of their business with a new found startup. Go big first. Use venture capital partner for network.


  • Podcast interview
  • Article in Techcrunch
  • Website Alysio
  • Twitter founder 1
  • Twitter founder 2

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